The voice of airlines in NZ
The voice of airlines in New Zealand
The voice of airlines in New Zealand
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Championing the airlines industry’s contribution to travel, trade and tourism in NZ
Championing the airlines industry’s contribution to travel, trade and tourism in New Zealand
Championing the airline industry’s contribution to New Zealand
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Fostering sustainable growth for airlines in New Zealand
Fostering sustainable growth for airlines in New Zealand
Seeking to quickly regrow New Zealand's aviation industry, to the benefit of all

About us
BARNZ is the respected and trusted voice of the airline industry in New Zealand.
We work closely with the Government, regulators, businesses and local communities to provide cost savings and service improvements for our 26 airline members.
Value of the airline sector
What airlines delivered for New Zealand in 2019
jobs enabled
international passengers
international tourist spend
worth of cargo delivered
Our members

To rebuild aviation for the future, we need
Increasing access to Ohakea airport as operational alternate for New Zealand
What we do

Latest news
Significant increase to International Visitor Levy unjustified
3 Sep 2024Auckland 03 September 2024 – Board of Airline...

BARNZ supports Commerce Commission’s denouncement of Auckland Airport’s excessive profit taking regime.
17 Jul 2024The Airlines’ representative board is also...

For media enquiries
Contact: Cath O’Brien – Executive Director
Email: cath@barnz.org.nz
Phone: +64 21 730 557