About us

About Us

BARNZ is the respected and trusted voice of the airline industry in New Zealand. We work closely with the Government, regulators, businesses and local communities to provide cost savings and service improvements for our 26 airline members and 5 non-airline members; and to create an environment that fosters continued, sustainable growth for them in NZ.

BARNZ is the Board of Airline Representatives of New Zealand Inc., which is a not-for-profit incorporated society. We are one of the international community of “BARs” around the world. BARNZ consists of an executive team reporting to a Board of up to eight members.

What we do

Waiting passenger
Promote the rapid reopening of domestic and international air travel networks when it is safe to do so
Foster an environment that supports airline growth in New Zealand
Approach issue resolution and negotiation in an open and collaborative manner

More than a trusted advocate for our members, we

  • Champion the airline industry, and its contribution to travel, trade and tourism in New Zealand.
  • Strive for government support and regulatory settings that will sustain the industry through covid-19 and drive a quick recovery as travel re-starts.
  • Secure the airline industry’s right to grow and operate in New Zealand through consultation and engagement with the wider community.

To rebuild aviation for the future, we need

Safe travel in a covid world, domestically and internationally

Support for New Zealand’s aviation industry during covid-19

Rapid recovery and renewal of New Zealand’s aviation industry

Efficient and good quality airport and border services

Sustainable travel

For media enquiries

Contact: Cath O’Brien – Executive Director

Email: Cath@Barnz.org.nz

Phone: +64 21 730 557